Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Skin Goals?

I rarely breakout, but this semester for some reason took a toll. I think it was because of economic statistics. That was the most anxious 8 weeks of my life and I am glad it is over. I used to have smooth clear skin, but now I feel a bit rough and bumpy... maybe because of winter. I am finally going to take care of my skin this summer. My Lola (Grandma in Tagalog), Titas (Aunt in Tagalog), and my Mom always told me to wear hats in the summer, but I never did.

I regret not wearing a hat from middle school to right now because I really want to look young when I am old. I have been noticing it's hot and I have been slathering SPF on my face with no shame and whenever I go outside I am always wearing a baseball cap or bucket hat. 

I am also trying this TikTok trend of "Slugging" two times a week. Basically, you do your normal skincare routine, and then at the end (after moisturizing), you take a small amount of anything with petroleum (I used vaseline) to seal everything inside and keep any pollutants out. I am not sure if this is a placebo effect, but my skin texture felt very nice. It apparently keeps you younger because it will prevent all the oils and moisturizers from escaping, which is something we lose A LOT as we get older.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

TD07 and Skyrim


My favorite lesson was the pivot tables in 5.10. I liked this lesson because it reminded me of organizing when you had to put the different categories in filters, columns, rows, and values. I also thought it was a pretty easy lesson for me since I knew when I was wrong and wouldn't be stuck guessing or using a hint. I knew when I was wrong when my data would look ugly in the pivot table. Pivot tables are also useful because they cater towards large amounts of numbers which I think would be useful when I major in finance in the future.


Recently, I have been bored playing League of Legends and Valorant due to player toxicity. So, I decided to start playing The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. I asked my dad to buy me it earlier this weekend and let me say... I have never sat in my chair 7 hours straight in a long time (I obviously went to eat and everything, but nothing else than that). I also recommend not to sit for that long because when I went to bed (really really late) my back was cRaCKiNg and the next day I had a huge headache and nausea probably from staring at a screen for a long time.

Reminder: BLINK when you are watching a show or gaming. My eye doctor told me to when I am gaming or else you get a swelling cornea :p still working on it though.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

I set myself up for failure

Right now, I am taking six courses. Three of them are 16-week courses and the other 2 are 8-week courses. I planned to have an 8-week course in the first half of the semester and then the next 8-week course in the second half.

I am preparing for my second 8-week course, but I realized when I checked MyCSN, it's at 8am on Fridays. I realize the problem was the time I was registering for classes was also the time that I would religiously wake up at 5am every day. I fell off of that routine and every time I try to wake up at that time, it does not work anymore, so now I wake up very late around 7am.

Some of you may think that waking up at 7am for an 8am class is not that bad, but the thing is, I like to have slow mornings. By that I mean I like to be alone in the morning (that's why I wake up early so I can avoid people). I like to cook a good breakfast and get ready at my own pace, and I usually leave for my classes 30 minutes before that class starts. So, if I woke up at 7am that only gives me 30 minutes to have my "slow morning" that wouldn't be slow at all. I have been training myself to wake up at 6:30 and with the help of melatonin I actually go to bed at a decent time and wake up at that time. I'm proud of myself so far because I have only needed to use it one time this week.

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Trying to Manage My Own Money

Last year I got my first job, and it's only part-time, but the very little money I made seemed a lot to me. I would only get money on holidays and on my birthday, but receiving my own paychecks made me happy. I bought many things on impulse with the money I earned.

Now, I am over that phase and discovered the power of budgeting, investing, and tracking. I know there are different ways to allocate your money, but so far budgeting has been working well for me. I tested out budgeting one month and then not budgeting another.

In the month I budgeted I actually had a lot of money than I would have. I am a frequent shopper in Ulta and it was nice going in the store with the money I had budgeted than just spending all the money I had in my checking account.

The month I did not have any money was the month I would spend all my money the week I got it on random things I wanted but didn't need. Essentially, budgeting stopped my big buying impulse.
Another habit I am incorporating is waiting to buy something right away. For example,  I am a frequent browser on Amazon and when I find something I want or need then I add it to a wish list. I wait a week or two. If the item I added is still on my mind I then further decided if it's actually a need or a want. From there, I trust my judgment. I also still live with my parents, and so they fulfill what I need like food or hygiene products.

Recently, I have not been putting money in my "emergency fund" since it's depreciating, instead, I invest with it on stocks or crypto. Don't get me wrong, I still have money in there, but I don't withdraw or deposit anything in it.

Monday, March 7, 2022

TD06 and Addiction to Cleaning

TD06 Part 1:

A new topic/skill I learned in chapter 4 is 4.10. I did not know before that there were different ways that you could format your references. I definitely find this useful as a student. I have been putting all my references in a citation machine when I could easily put it into the references in windows and it will format everything for me. Then at the end, I can easily put works cited page/bibliography. I wish I knew this sooner when I first started at CSN instead of spending lots of time-fighting with a citation machine. 


I remember one memory I had when I was a child. My room was covered in toys and my Mom told me to clean it all up, but as a child I hated cleaning, so instead of putting all my toys in their proper bins, I shoved all of them under my bed. I obviously did not think about how all the toy bins were empty. I remember my Dad lifted my mattress and under it, it was covered in toys.

From there, I have developed a habit of cleaning every Friday after work. I wipe down all my surfaces in my room, clean my bathroom, laundry, and vacuuming. My room is always fairly clean. I really like dust, which sounds weird, but I like wiping it and making a place clean after it had been so dusty. So, because I wipe everything every week, I barely have my dust satisfaction fulfilled, so instead, I find something to organize in my room. 

I honestly really like cleaning but only on my own terms. I don't like when someone tells me to clean because cleaning is my hobby and I want to do it when I will enjoy it since I will do a better job when I am making the choice to do it than being forced to do it.