Wednesday, March 16, 2022

I set myself up for failure

Right now, I am taking six courses. Three of them are 16-week courses and the other 2 are 8-week courses. I planned to have an 8-week course in the first half of the semester and then the next 8-week course in the second half.

I am preparing for my second 8-week course, but I realized when I checked MyCSN, it's at 8am on Fridays. I realize the problem was the time I was registering for classes was also the time that I would religiously wake up at 5am every day. I fell off of that routine and every time I try to wake up at that time, it does not work anymore, so now I wake up very late around 7am.

Some of you may think that waking up at 7am for an 8am class is not that bad, but the thing is, I like to have slow mornings. By that I mean I like to be alone in the morning (that's why I wake up early so I can avoid people). I like to cook a good breakfast and get ready at my own pace, and I usually leave for my classes 30 minutes before that class starts. So, if I woke up at 7am that only gives me 30 minutes to have my "slow morning" that wouldn't be slow at all. I have been training myself to wake up at 6:30 and with the help of melatonin I actually go to bed at a decent time and wake up at that time. I'm proud of myself so far because I have only needed to use it one time this week.


  1. That is quite a full load of classes you have!

    You can adapt and get back to your previous wake up schedule :-)

  2. I'm the same way. I really prefer slower mornings.

    When I was a state employee, I had to be at work by 7:15; that meant getting up at 4:45 A.M.

    When I left the state, I swore never again.

  3. Me I'm opposite I love my sleep, I will literally hit snooze till I cant and jump up and go. Six classes woah. I tried to do 4 classes but with working full time and part time and a family I had to drop 1 and only do 3 classes and that was the hardest and I realized I can only handle 2 classes per semester.

  4. I am the same, I like waking up earlier to enjoy a slower more relaxing morning.

  5. My god. Taking 6 classes is a lot. You deserve a break after all of this is over!

  6. This is why I just skip breakfast, it gives me more time to myself lol.

  7. Make sure you're taking care of yourself! I used to work a 4a-1p job, then had class from 2p-9p. It was terrible. barely got any sleep, barely slept, barely had time to study. I regret every piling on my plate like that so i hope youre doing whats best for you

  8. Wow, that is a full schedule. I hope you are able to get on a decent schedule where you can have your long mornings.

  9. Hats off to you Athina. I am struggling with one let alone 6 wow. I hope you are doing well in all of them, it's hard now but, continue like this and you will get to your degree faster, do it if you can and congrat!.

  10. That schedule sounds intense. I hope you're doing well in all your classes and still having time for yourself.

  11. It's amazing how you do six classes. I am here struggling with three, much more to do six. Whew! kudos to you and I wish you all the best.

  12. I prefer sleeping until the last possible second haha
