Friday, February 11, 2022

TD04 Things I Learned

The lesson I enjoyed and learned the most about is 2.3 File Management. I enjoyed this lesson because I like to clean, so I organized my own files on my PC because my downloads folder was a bit messy, even though I am usually good at cleaning it. 2.3 helped me become more efficient and use the Recycle Bin. I honestly never used the Recycle Bin before, but now I use it a lot. Many of the other lessons in 2.3 I was familiar with since I do like organizing and cleaning whether it's digital or in person.


  1. File management in Windows -- any operating system -- is an often under-utilized skill!

    Wonderful choice of topic for this blog post, Athina ^_^

  2. Good file management is key! I also found that section to be helpful.

  3. I always forget the recycling bin exists lol

  4. File management helps me to organize information as well. Great tool to have.

  5. File management is a big thing when it comes to organizing.

  6. I am going to have go and take a look at my download folder and get it organize and clean up my recycle bin as well.

  7. My laptop is not the most organized. I however have started the mission to declutter my computer. especially the downloads folder, I am saving that for last. This was by far the most useful section for me in chapter 2.

  8. My laptop use to be so cluttered, for the longest time I would save all my documents to my desktop out of pure laziness. Thankfully I stopped doing that and actually use folders now.

  9. I'm pretty lazy about emptying out my recycle bin, but glad to see i'm not the only one.

  10. I like uniformity and having things dress right dress, I inherited a bit of tidiness OCD from my father. File management helps declutter my PC and is a great tool.

  11. Organizing is a skill I need to improve on learning how to use and manage my files really helped me to be better organized.

  12. Being completely honest, I tend to shove all my documents in the "documents" folder and all the pictures in the "pictures" folder. After that I just look it up on the finder. I know this isnt the best way to organize. But hey whatever works haha
