Sunday, February 6, 2022

TD03 Someting I found useful

So far in IS101, I have enjoyed section 1.3 on digital communication. I think digital communication is very convenient. I liked learning about the different ways of communicating and the terms for communicating. For example, the need for wifi in order to communicate on email or social media. I can apply this outside of my life when I compose emails that would be for work or for personal use. Section 1.3 showed many different functions and buttons on email and I thought that was very helpful because I did not know that some of those functions existed.


  1. Most digital communication for consumers are performed over the public Internet. One could connect to the Internet by a wired connection or wireless connection such as WiFi or cellular connection. Glad you were introduced to new functions and buttons in Outlook :-)

  2. I feel the same way, it's crazy to think about all the different functions outlook has.

  3. I agree; not having used Outlook before, it was nice to get an overview of its many features and functions. The display can be a little overwhelming at first.

  4. I agree, I'm learning so much on outlook

  5. Knowing all the new functions is very helpful. It will make composing and sending email much faster, now that I know where to find certain functions.

  6. Digital communication is amazing. It makes communicating so much easier.

  7. I found it helpful as well knowing that there was different ways to communicate with one another.

  8. I use Outlook a lot at work but it is great that I am learning different functions available that I did not know I could do with Outlook.

  9. Social media has definitely taken the world by storm I'd say. Its super useful but is also really dangerous!

  10. I find it very useful learning to use different features in Outlook. I used Outlook before for a job, only the bare minimum though.

  11. It's really useful that we're learning new features on Outlook because I can apply it outside of class and into my work life.

  12. I also found the learning about the different functions for email to be useful I have found that my emails are much more professional.

  13. I agree with you, I couldn't believe the many functions that outlook itself had. I have used both Gmail and Outlook, and can say that I think that Outlook is the more organized email to be able to use for a company/businesses.

  14. Outlook is used by the entire United States Military so it's very useful to know it's functions and some troubleshooting if you ever plan on working with the military installations.

  15. Outlook definitely has a lot of functions that can seem overwhelming at first. But, once you know how to use them everything becomes much easier
