Wednesday, February 2, 2022

This Anime Traumitized Me in A Good Way

My favorite anime is Violet Evergarden. This is a show that is only streamed on Netflix. Violet Evergarden seems to take place in the late 19th century and in the early 20th century. This anime is about a girl who is gifted to Major Gilbert Bougainvillea as a "weapon" due to her fighting capabilities and strength on the battlefield, who had no problem killing others if those were her orders. Throughout the first couple of episodes, we are able to see Violet Evergarden and Major Bougainvillea grow a close relationship, for example, he teaches her how to read, write, and see the beautiful things in life other than war, which is what she has known. During one military siege, Major Bougainvillea and Violet Evergarden are caught in a collapsing building where he is very injured and she is doing anything to save him. During his last moments in the building, he tells her "Violet I want you to be free and live happily, not as a tool, but as a regular human being, and to find a real home.... I love you".

From there, Violet wakes up in a hospital with cold metal arms instead of real human ones. Violet automatically wonders the Major Bougainvillea is and if he is okay. Slowly, the news leaks that he has died, and Violet has become devastated with the loss of her Major. Violet gets a job as an auto memories doll. An auto memories doll is a  typist who specializes in writing letters while also attuning their writing to the sender's emotions to the receiver. Violet determines that she would become an auto memories doll to understand the words her Major spoke, "I love you".

This anime emphasizes the idea of talking to your loved ones as much as possible and saying everything you want to say or you'll miss your chance. For example, Violet had to write a letter for a mother who was very ill and had a daughter. The mother wrote letters to her daughter that would be sent to her on her birthday until she was 50. I am very much an empath when watching anything anime-related and this anime has made me very emotional in every season/movie of Violet Evergarden. There were many more instances and examples are could list, but then this blog post might be too long.

This anime has made me enjoy my life more and how spending time with my boyfriend and family may not feel rare, but at some point in my life, it would feel like a distant memory. This anime also showed me the importance of getting out of your comfort zone and speaking your mind, which is what Violet did to understand what her Major said to her. This is sometimes hard for me because I am shy and sometimes timid, but I am still trying my best.


  1. "Talking to your loved ones as much as possible and saying everything you want to say or you'll miss your chance.", Excellent message conveyed by Violet Evergarden!

    Very glad this anime is prompting you to venture out of your comfort zone and speaking your mind :-)

    Continue trying your best and you will succeed ^_^

  2. Definitely going to give this show a look. Thanks for the recommendation as always!

  3. Getting out of your comfort zone is definitely doesn't always end the way you hoped, but taking that step is a big deal. Sounds like this show illustrated that in a very emotional way.

  4. I told my sister in law about this show and she now has it on her to watch list. She is a big anime fan and is always looking for new shows to watch. On another note, I love your blog design. It is so creative.

  5. Sound interesting, thanks for the visuals, I love the story line. Glad you are getting out of your comfort zone.

  6. Yes always speak your mind, stand up for yourself because nobody else will

  7. Violet Evergarden is such a great anime! I really like attaining "life lessons" or other kinds of guidance from media and anime is no exception.

  8. Glad you are able to spend time with your boyfriend. Gradually you will be more comfortable in whatever you do.

  9. Seems like an amazing anime! Definitely gonna check it out.

  10. Once again an interesting sounding anime. We really do have to cherish all the moments we have with the ones we love.

  11. I have heard good things about violet Ever garden I like that it is more down to earth and relatable then other anime I have watched.

  12. Oooo good recommendation! I've heard good things about this particular anime.

  13. I can't wait to be able to see this anime, it looks like so much fun. I wonder if it is going to be like "Fruit Baskets" on how much emotions and self reflection it makes the viewer think about.

  14. I'm going to have to check this one out for sure, thank you for sharing this.

  15. Thank you for sharing! I never heard of this anime before.
