Friday, February 25, 2022

Minimalizing and Introspection

Recently, I have been trying to minimalize my life. From cleaning my closet to taking away any decor that makes me feel like my room is cluttering. I used to have a lot of decor pieces on my window sill like candles, plants, books, lights, and skincare, but I got tired of it. I moved all my plants to a separate table in my room. I got a basket I didn't use and started organizing it. Now there is just a basket with a fake plant, a book, a journal, hand cream, lip balm, and all my remotes. This was a small change in my room, but for me it made my room look so much more open. I can finally open the shutters because before all my decor would block it and make it tiresome to always open the window. I have a lot of house plants, but I am going to get a shelf that displays them in a much neater.

On my dresser, I had a lot of decor items as well. I almost think I was a maximalist at this point, but I organized everything onto one side where I kept only the essentials, and one or two display items I could not display. Which was my Gucci Bloom perfume and a jewelry dish.

I guess after writing this, I am realizing rearranged many things in my room. I am much happier in it after getting rid of everything that didn't make me happy.

My next task of minimalizing is my nightstand, dresser, and closet. I have cleaned it multiple times, but somehow I am still not able to open the drawer itself without it getting blocked by something, even with how much I decluttered inside. I want to get rid of a lot of my clothes in my closet because it makes me really irritated how I can't open the closet door since there are bags and clothes blocking it from opening it all the way. I hope I am not the only one that gets irritated from small things like that.


After taking IS 101 for a few weeks, I feel I am much more literate in Microsoft and its' functions. I am much more comfortable with the settings and format in Microsoft Word than I was before. The assignment I have liked so far is using a table for a resume. I am not familiar with making a resume at all and I usually just use a simple template, but making my own format was much more enlightening and satisfying when I was done. I also like writing blog posts. I find them really fun because I have a lot of things to say.                                                                                                                                    


  1. I need to perform 'minimalizing' more often. My desk at home is cluttered again. At work, I do a Spring cleaning of my work area once a few months. I need to do it more often and form better habits on how I dispose of my paper piles.

    What a wonderful look back and within of your experiences in IS101-3010, Spring 2022 so far. Instead of simply copying my blog title and two-question format, you came up with your own, excellent :-)

    I am elated that you like using a table for a resume for A3 Tailored Cover Letter and Resume. It would be my privilege to help you create your first professional resume! Very glad to hear you found writing blog posts really fun ^_^

  2. One thing my Mom helped instill in me was Spring Cleaning. I never realized how much changing the feng-shui helps to bring in new energy and expel bad energy. The older I got the more I started looking forward to switching things up every Spring.

  3. I love a deep clean and clutter free day. It makes me feel refreshed and ready to go

  4. Hey, I live my life around a minimalistic lifestyle. It's so easy to clean that way and the place doesn't look cluttered.

  5. I got into minimalism a couple years back, when I was renting an efficiency unit downtown. I had to downsize, or else.

    I've found that, personally, decluttered spaces really help to control anxiety. Since I'm lazy, and don't really like chores, the best way to keep clutter out is just not to own stuff. I've been a minimalist at heart ever since.

  6. I am also on a journey to a minimalist lifestyle. Breaking up with some things were hard but definitely worth it. I never though I would have enough closet space for my clothes to fit. I hope I can really stick to letting things go and only accumulating the necessities.

  7. I looove cleaning and reorganizing and all that kind of stuff! Its so relaxing and pretty grounding sometimes when everything gets too cluttered and stressful.

  8. I like minimizing my things, hoarding only causes stress.

  9. I definitely need to do the same. My room is due for reorganizing and decluttering.

  10. Spring cleaning is always enlightening for me. The room feels new when I occasionally reposition the furniture with help of course.

  11. Keep up the good work of organizing your room.

  12. Something I always tell myself is "Clean room clean mind"
