Saturday, April 16, 2022

TD08 and Spring Break Reflection

Lesson 6.9.2 focused on transitions. I didn't know the power of transitions before this lesson and before presenting my PowerPoint in class. I think it is a small detail that makes a big difference that I will apply whenever I make a PowerPoint. 


My spring break consisted of three events. 

I didn't go to San Diego like I was going to, but instead, I went to a cat cafe with a friend. The cats there were so cute. Most of the time, my friend and I aggressively played a crime board game in the cafe. After that, we went to Downtown Summerlin to walk around and eat a light dinner.

The other event was going out with my parents to eat Vietnamese food, which is my favorite food. Later we took my little cousin to go get boba and went shopping at Target. 

The last event was going out with my parents again to get crepes, boba, and bubble waffles with ice cream.


  1. Slide transitions definitely make a difference in the presentation of a slideshow! Glad to hear you will make use them whenever you make a PowerPoint slideshow :-)

    Cat cafe? I'll have to check it out. I love Vietnamese food too. Glad to hear you went out with your parents. What a wonderful trio of events during your Spring Break ^_^

  2. Cat cafes are really common in Thailand.

    You're expected to share with them, so I would be eating one of those Cantonese-style steamed fish, and a Persian cat would hop up on the table and demand the right to sample my dinner.

    I obliged.

  3. Cat Cafe interesting, I wondered how does that work. Transitions was a cool and fun topic to learn.

  4. What in the world is a bubble waffle and how does one go about acquiring one?!

  5. It all sounds really good! Might have to go out one of these days with a friend and get some crepes!

  6. Was it the Hearts Alive Village Cat Café? I used to work at their clinic and I foster through them. A cat café sounds amazing, I just love kitties!

  7. Woahh I love cats! Im a tad bit allergic but that wont sway me!!!

  8. Cat cafe??? Sounds like you had a fun spring break

  9. Cat cafes sound interesting. Is it just a place where you can hang out with cats? Or is it an actual cafe?

  10. Thank you for introducing me to this cat cafe. I will be taking my boyfriend, he doesn't like the idea of it, but we will be going.

  11. Perks of having a cat at home is you can have a cat cafe experience whenever you want.

  12. Slide transitions is pretty cool. I love the view :)
