Wednesday, January 19, 2022

My Critique of Attack on Titan

Attack on Titan takes place in a world that is surrounded by walls. These walls have layers with the outer wall being Wall Maria, the middle wall being Wall Rose, and then the inner wall is named Wall Sina. These walls have protected the civilization from enormous giants known as Titans who feast on people. Suddenly, Wall Maria is infiltrated by a titan, letting in many other Titans into the civilization within Wall Maria where they eat many people. The main character is Eren Yeager who joins the army out of anger towards these Titans who had eaten his mom during the infiltration of Titans in Wall Maria.

After watching Attack on Titan up to season 4, I can say that it is a wonderful, action-packed anime. This anime does have the elements of "The Hero's Journey" where we follow Eren Yeager from his weak heroic state to a strong fighting character that will do anything to eliminate any Titan. One reason I like this anime so much because it does not have any fillers. The story is straight to the point and does not leave its viewer in a state of boredom. The episodes are not long and are easy to digest for the viewer to follow along and still remember events that were from the last episode.

I think that Attack on Titan should have made a love interest within the anime more clear. There are many times throughout the story that it was confusing who was the love interest, and to this point, I still do not know who it is, but I do have my suspicions of who it could be.

This anime and its strong character development with not only Eren Yeager, but also the supporting characters. These characters made the story interesting and helped make Eren Yeager into a strong person. I certainly agree that small events in the story should have been made more clear, but maybe that is the point, for the reader to wonder. Nonetheless, Attack on Titan is a great anime that will have you at the edge of your seat.


  1. I looked up "Attack on Titan", very ominous story.

    Thank you for sharing your interest on the inaugural post of your blog :-)

    Welcome to IS101-3010, Spring 2022, Athina ^_^

  2. I feel bad for only watching the first season, but maybe one day that I have more time for it I will binge the rest of the story. I heard that it is getting more and more interesting.

  3. As an old friend of mine would say, "I like the way you do business". I'm also an avid anime enthusiast. I haven't seen much of Attack on Titan, but have heard great things! I think you sold me on giving it a watch, thanks for the recommendation!

  4. Haven't heard of this anime. I'll have to watch with my youngest he is into anime.

  5. I never got into Attack on Titan but it is on my to watch list. I am most excited to know that Bleach is returning this year to show us the Thousand-year blood war arc which was never animated. Bleach is the best anime.

  6. One of the best animes around! Sad that it was taken off of netflix. Still a really good anime and I should finish it at some point, but that's a future me's problem. But good work!

  7. Sad to say I am not really into anime, unless you count Pokemon, Digimon, and Card Capture. I do have a younger brother and sister and they both are really into anime. It is amazing how anime has come so far from when I was younger.

  8. It's kind of funny, because having been to Japan, having worked in an office in Hawai'i where everyone was Japanese-American, and having worked in an old-fashioned Japanese sake house for a while, you'd think I'd be hardcore into anime, but I never really got into it all that much, aside from Tenchi Muyo. All my Japanese coworkers were kind of shocked when they found out, actually.

    Still though, I can appreciate any show with short-length attention span has definitely gotten shorter as I've gotten a bit older.

  9. I really love Attack on Titan! I'm not quite caught up yet, because I'm waiting for all of season 4 part 2 to be out so I can binge-watch it all in one go. My favorite characters is Hange Zoe and Nanaba. I can't wait to watch it all.

  10. I have been wanting to get into Anime. Would you say this is a good series for a beginner?

  11. I've heard a lot of good things about this anime, now I'm curious to watch it myself.

  12. I agree with your critique it is clear to me that the love interest is mikasa but the show does not do a good job of showing that. Another anime called naruto has this problem where the character sasuke treats sakura like garbage and we are just expected to believe they get married and live happly ever after. I think shonen anime has this problem because it is aimed at teen boys and the authors dont believe teen boys care about romance (besides fanservice). That's why characters don't get together until the end. I believe most shonen anime should either write well written romance or not include it at all. Its very annoying to me when a author clearly looks down on romance but feel like they have to include it or make it a major plot point.

  13. I must say I have never watched it, and I probably won't. Not because I have anything against the show, but I am not a fan on anime. Nonetheless, If my child wants us to watch it together, I definitely will.

  14. Sounds interesting. Your explanation is very detailed, it gives me a perfect mental picture of what goes on, sounds like something I would enjoy watching.

  15. On late night TV (Adult Swim) they would show "Attack on Titian" on Saturday evenings on a broadcasting block called Toonami! I have never watched it, but it sounds interesting.

  16. I watched the first season and it was really good! unfortunately, I have not been able to go back and watch the other seasons yet, but hopefully it's still as good as I remember!
